To help you understand the basics of the economics relevant to the problem or issue.
To help you find and understand the relevant economic theory, content and terminology related to the problem or issue.
1.1 Class Textbook (hard copy)
Consult your own textbook: Doug Cave and others, Economics for the Real World Unit 4, 4th ed.
1.2 Other Economics Textbooks and Booklets (hard copy)
Tim Dixon and John O'Mahony, Australia in the Global Economy, 2018
1.3 Economics Dictionaries (hard copy and digital)
Use a variety of dictionaries for KEY terms and concepts.
1.4 Economics Newsletters
See Plain English Economics Newsletters on Highlands - 2018 and 2019
See also AES Student Bulletin for 2018 and 2019 series (introductory and advanced)
Reserve Bank Bulletin
1.5 Key Economic Organisations
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) | Organisation for International Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) |
Australian Trade Commission (AUSTRADE) | International Monetary Fund (IMF) |
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) | Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Science (ABARES) |
Reserve Bank of Australia
Productivity Commission (PC) |
World Trade Organisation (WTO) | Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) |
World Economic Forum |
DFAT - you can access these tabs:
Try these links:
DFAT Fact Sheets for Countries and Regions
DFAT Countries, Economies and Regions
To help you source more up-to-date economic information and real world examples
To help you provide historical and/or up-to-date quantitative (statistical) evidence and qualitative evidence as support for your economic arguments.
2.1 Media, Newspapers, TV Programs and News Clips (mainly electronic)
Look for newspaper and journal articles from The Australian, The Courier-Mail and the Sydney Morning Herald in the recommended databases like Australia New Zealand Reference Centre.
2.2 Statistical Sources (mostly web-based)
Reserve Bank of Australia (Chart Pack)
ABARES (Australian Bureau of Agricultural, Resource Economics and Science)
SEE ALSO the Library Databases.
2.3 Government Departments, Statutory Authorities, Regulatory Agencies and Public Corporations (web-based)
Australian Government entry point
Try this link: Austrade Export Markets and Countries
ABARES (Australian Bureau of Agricultural Resource Economics and Science).
RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia Chart Pack)
SEE ALSO the Library Databases.
2.4 International Organisations / Forums (web-based)
WTO (World Trade Organisation)
Free trade agreements give Australian businesses and consumers improved access to a wider range of competitively priced goods and services, new technologies, and innovative practices. Free trade agreements help Australia obtain more benefits from foreign investment.
Free-trade policies have not been as popular with the general public. The key issues include unfair competition from countries where lower labour costs allow price-cutting and a loss of good-paying jobs to manufacturers abroad
Australian Border Force: Free Trade Agreement with New Zealand
Parliament of Australia: Review of Australia-New Zealand Trade and Investment Relations
Parliament of Australia: Chapter 1 Australia–New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement
Australian Border Force: Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Australian Border Force: Free Trade Agreement with Singapore
The Law Gazette: Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement — the Australian Perspective
US Customs and Border Protection: Australia US Free Trade Agreement
National Museum Australia: US Free Trade Agreement
The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement: free trade, or free access for US companies? (against the current) (from Gale Academic OneFile)
European law and practice in the negotiation and conclusion of international trade agreements - Research Gate article concerning the AUSFTA. The article argues that "Free Trade is not truly "free" but an exercise of foreign policy and the implementation of policies favouring wealthy corporate interest groups."
Australian Border Force - Free Trade Agreement with USA
DFAT: Principal outcomes on trade in goods
Australian Border Force: Free Trade Agreement with Thailand
Parliament of Australia: Chapter 3 Australia-Thailand Free Trade Agreement – Parliament of Australia
Austrade: Australia and ASEAN Trade and Investment Relationship | ASEAN NOW Report
Australian Border Force: ASEAN Australia New Zealand
Modern Diplomacy: The 38th ASEAN Summit Meeting: Agenda and Outcomes
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet: ASEAN-Australia relations | ASEAN Australia
Australian Border Force: Free Trade Agreement with Korea
DFAT: Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement
Australian Border Force: Free Trade Agreement with Japan
Australian Border Force: China Free Trade Agreement
Free trade agreement: Inclusion of services in Australia-China deal marks shift in focus of trade relations, analysts say (2014 article from ABC Premium News)
Rock lobster fishing a tough life
China Australia Fair Trade Agreement: An opportunity for fair trade - Research Gate article from the Macquarie Journal of Business Law 2005
Australian Border Force - Free Trade Agreement with China
Deloitte: Impact of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement on Australian agribusiness
Parliament of Australia The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
DFAT: Outcomes: Contemporary rules for trade
Australian Border Force: Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement
Australian Border Force: Indonesia Free Trade Agreement
DFAT: Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) Plus
DFAT: PACER outcomes
Australian Border Force: Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations
DFAT: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP)
DFAT: World’s largest free trade agreement enters into force
Australian Border Force: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
Parliament of Australia The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
The ENTIRE collection of resources provided by the BBC Birtles Library can be searched on ONE single, powerful search platform, which retrieves print books, eBooks, database articles and websites. Click HERE for assistance.