Motor learning is a relatively permanent change in the ability to execute a motor skill as a result of practice or experience. This is in contrast to performance, the act of executing a motor skill that results in a temporary, nonpermanent change - motor performance is just the ability to perform a motor task. Motor learning is to have a carryover between one movement pattern and other functional movement patterns.
Motor Learning and Skill Acquisition - General
Motor Learning - Volleyball
See information in Chapter 8 of 'Live it up 1: VCE Physical Education Units 1 & 2', by David Smyth, Wayne Judge, Michelle O'Keefe, Fiona Shepherd, Michelle Fluch and Kirsty O'Rourke, Jacaranda Plus, 2011, published by John Wiley and Sons. Scanned under licence.
ISBN 9781742461298
See information in Chapter 8 of Outcomes 2: Personal development, health and physical education, by Ron Ruskin, Kim Proctor and David Neeves. Published by John Wiley and Sons, 2009. Scanned under licence.
ISBN: 9781118598962