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Year 10: Term 1: Geographies of Human Wellbeing

Sustainable Development Goals - useful websites

Websites for general information:

United Nations: Sustainable Development Goals

United Nations: Human Development Index

OECD: Better Life Index


Websites for Data:

United Nations: Human Development Index rankings by country

United Nations SDG Statistics: Track the progress on each sustainability goal (type your chosen country into the search bar)

Worldbank: Data by Country

World Health Organisation: Data by Country

Worldbank: Data by Indicator

World Health Organisation: Data by Indicator

UNESCO: Data for the Sustainable Development Goals

Our World In Data: SDG Tracker (data by Goal)




A great place to start is the country profiles in the New Internationalist. It will give you lots of useful data. Search under 'Article' and type in the name of the country you're studying. Look for the 'Country Profile' page. (You can only access this magazine at school, as it is a paid subscription, only available while you are logged onto the school network).

ONESearch Database Explorer

The ENTIRE collection of resources provided by the BBC Birtles Library can be searched on ONE single, powerful search platform, which retrieves print books, eBooks, database articles and websites. Click HERE for assistance.

Useful databases

Proposal and Future Recommendations

To make proposal/s for sustainable management in response to the identified challenge, use your 'Advanced Search' techniques in Google to search for successful proposals or projects that are being incorporated into the country of your choice or other countries who face these same challenges.

Examples from other Countries

Clean Air Policy - Singapore

Improving Sanitation in Developing Countries


National Targeted Programs for New Rural Development and Sustainable Poverty Reduction Support Program (NTPSP)
Download the PDF

Vietnam 2035


Vikaspedia is a knowledge portal targeting specific country needs in the domain of social development.

Sustainable Development Goals and Gram Panchayats (Panchayats are Village Councils) - plans to improve poverty, education equity, water access and sanitation and health

ICT Tools for presenting data: Data Wrapper and Microsoft Excel


Microsoft Excel

To present other data, it is often easiest to use Microsoft Excel, which is already installed on your school laptop. You can copy and paste data from your Data source into Excel, then use "Insert" on the Excel ribbon to select a chart to visually present your data. If you are unsure how to use Excel to create a chart (graph), there is a YouTube tutorial below with some helpful tips. 

Research Hints

Most of the information you require will be found on the Internet.  Use the following skills to narrow your searches to discover relevant, trustworthy sites.

  1. Build your search using Google 'Advanced Search'
  2. Be aware of the domain name usage eg
    • .gov (government)
    • .edu (education)
  3. Be aware that you can search within a country using the country domain name (NB always specify 'English' language') eg
    • .in (India)  ie  (this will search in all Indian Government websites) 
    • .vn (Vietnam)  ie (this will search in all Vietnam government websites)
    • .id (Indonesia) ie (this will search in all Indonesian government websites)
  4. Obtain the most current information by narrowing your search by date.

Zotero - Online Referencing Tool

Zotero can be set to the same Harvard AGPS (Australia) style that CiteAce uses, called 'Melbourne Polytechnic - Harvard'. Please read the instructions carefully.

Any issues - see your Library Staff

QUT C.R.A.A.P. Test for Evaluating Websites

Check the quality of your websites using these criteria (adapted from QUT Library):
Currency: Timeliness of the information
  • When was the information published, posted or last updated?
  • Is the information current for your topic and field of study? How recent does it have to be? Can older sources work just as well?
Relevance: Importance of the information for your needs
  • Is the information appropriate for a senior secondary course?
  • Is this an adequately in-depth examination or a quick summary of the topic?
  • Who's the intended audience? Is it the general public, a student, a researcher or industry?
  • Is the level of information too basic or too advanced for your needs?
Authority: Source of the information
  • Is the author/authoring body (individual person, or institution, or organisation) established and reputable?
  • Are their qualifications, credentials, expertise, experience, educational background and previous work (if any) relevant and do they add credibility to the source?
  • Has the piece been published by a well-known and respected publisher or organisation?
  • Do references to other sources support the writing ie is a Reference List provided?
Accuracy: Reliability and correctness of the information
  • Where does the information come from, and is it supported by evidence?
  • Does it have a Reference List or Bibliography so you can easily find and verify the sources used?
  • Are there any spelling, grammar, or other typographical errors?
Purpose: Reason the information exists
  • What is the purpose of the information? Why was it written?
  • Does the point of view appear objective, unbiased and impartial?
  • Is the viewpoint of the author's affiliation/ sponsors reflected in the message or content?
  • Does the author acknowledge alternative versions of the issues or facts?

Purpose: Reason the information exists

  • What is the purpose of the information? Why was it written?
  • Does the point of view appear objective, unbiased and impartial?