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Year 12: Term 1: Space travel

Term 2: Cold War

Space Travel

You must plan a mission to an allocated place in the solar system.

Please note all the different kinds of support material and sources available for you here. You should easily be able to ensure that you use a variety of sources (book, website, database material etc) in your List of References.

How to Write an Annotated Bibliography


The ENTIRE collection of resources provided by the BBC Library can now be searched on ONE single, powerful search platform, which retrieves print books, eBooks, database articles and websites. Click HERE for assistance.

Oliver Library Catalogue

Oliver Library Catalogue

Look here for books, eBooks, DVDs and websites.

Useful Library Books


Databases We recommend the following for this assignment:
When you are away from the campus you will need to login using the appropriate username and password - from a document emailed to you this year.

Useful Ebooks