BBC now has a huge range of eBooks available for students and staff. They are accessible on several different platforms. Just click on your preferred one, whether it's for fiction or non-fiction eBooks. Wheelers eBooks are for 2 week loans; EBL, Infobase and Gale Virtual Reference Library eBooks are available to everyone simultaneously, for any length of time.
The basics
The BBC Library provides access to a number of different e-book collections. You can choose from the specific e-book collections (such as EBL, Wheelers, etc.) for more details. Each one has a slightly different design to access, download and print an e-book.
ALTERNATIVELY, you can simply visit the Library Catalogue, search for all the resources on your topic, and choose an orange icon source on that topic (if one exists), which will be an ebook.
Printing copying and downloading
You may be able to print, copy or download an e-book, depending on the publisher. The amount you can print or copy varies between collections. You may need to create an account to use these functions.
E-book loans
The Wheeler platform will require you to create a loan. All the others do not require this - they allow multiple concurrent access.
E-book file types
The most common files types for e-books are PDF and ePUB (electronic publication). ePUB adapts to your mobile device screen size.
Some e-book providers have their own, or recommended apps, which will be prominently displayed on their home page. They can allow you to access and read e-books from your mobile device.
Contact us for e-book help